Regional High School Rankings

Note:The Midwest region is comprised of teams from Kansas and Missouri.

The rankings are compiled by high school rankings editor Sheldon Shealer.

Current State Rankings | Current Region Rankings | Current SIMA FAB 50

Rank School Record
1 (1) Ladue Horton Watkins St. Louis, MO 28-1-0
2 (3)
Rockwood Summit Fenton, MO 24-2-1
3 (4)
Rockhurst Jesuit Kansas City, MO 23-4-0
4 (5)
Olathe East Olathe, KS 17-1-0
5 (6)
Shawnee Mission East Prairie Village, KS 16-1-1
6 (7)
Olathe Northwest Olathe, KS 15-2-1
7 (8)
Dodge City Dodge City, KS 18-0-0
8 (10)
Christian Brothers College St. Louis, MO 20-6-2
9 Lee's Summit West Lee's Summit, MO 22-5-0
10 Park Hill South Riverside, MO 18-3-2

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